TechEd 2010 was in New Orleans last week and I had the pleasure of doing a full day pre-conf session at TechEd. Pre-confs are longer sessions where attendees can get into more details. This year I did “.NET From Scratch” which was a one day session to introduce developers to the .NET platform.
This seminar is for anyone who is starting at ground zero with .NET and wants a deep dive into the platform starting from scratch. It is designed for developers experienced in at least one other language, and starts with the basics of . NET and covers Microsoft Visual Studio, writing code in C#, and how to build applications in various technologies of the platform such as Windows, Web, Microsoft Silverlight, and Windows Mobile. If you are new to writing applications on Microsoft .NET, what better way to start your Tech·Ed experience?
As promised to the attendees, the slide decks and demos can be downloaded from the following URL:
Remember when learning a new platform as large as .NET the main thing to focus on are your immediate needs. That may be a language and a framework and possibly web programming. It is impossible to learn or know everything about a platform as large as .NET but knowing what is possible is half of the battle. As engineers if we know it is possible it is just a matter of research to figure out how to make it happen.
A big thank you to those that attended the session and I am truly sorry about how cold it was in the room. If I’d known in advance I’d brought some firewood and blankets. Enjoy.